
If you are a member or friend of the First Pharaohs Alumni Association, we welcome your personal updates, family news, and recent photos.

To post information here, simply e-mail it to webmaster@rehs73-76.com. To comment on an existing post, just click the "Comment" button below each post.

If you have not yet posted a bio on the website, send it in. We'll post it on the website and place a link to it here.

Please note: Information will be posted on this blog at the sole discretion of the webmaster in consultation with the Alumni Association officers, and comments that are not of a congenial nature will be removed immediately.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The 2006 Reunion Video is Ready!

That's right: The long-anticipated 2006 Reunion video is ready, and the order deadline is November 1. This 2-DVD set is only $22.50, including 48-state shipping. And a bonus disc with sound footage from the 1974-75 REHS Speech & Drama productions is only $5 more ($27.50).

Make & send checks to: REHS 2006 Reunion Video, P.O. Box 22633, Memphis, TN 38122. Sorry, no credit cards. Order yours now.

Please e-mail questions to Leslie Maddox (75) at REHSvideo@comcast.net.

This information is posted on our website at http://www.rehs73-76.com/ReunionVideo.htm.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Rene' Sowell Savage (76) Got Married!

From Rene' Sowell Savage: "On September 8, 2007, I married my best friend, Patrick Savage, and God is surely blessing us both. We live in Bartlett on the golf course and enjoy each day together along with my 19-year-old son, Colin, a dog named Sadie and a cat named Jake. I was single for nearly 7 years after 21 years of marriage (to a guy named Dale Berryhill, but not the one we went to school with) and the divorce left me with three boys to raise. We made it through amazingly well and my older two are out in the work force while my youngest is at Southwest studying law enforcement. My husband and I are members of Bellevue Baptist where I sing in the choir and occasionally with the Praise team and Pit Choir for the Memphis Passion Play and other events. For more info & photos, see my updated bio on REHS73-76.com.

"Please note that my e-mail has changed to rene.savage@spcorp.com."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Brenda Ison Calhoun (75) Is Cancer-Free!

Photo: Brenda & Greg Calhoun September 2007

From Brenda Ison Calhoun: "My cancer is currently in remission! It was a long, long nine months~~only three near-death experiences! I am back to work and back to life! We enjoy our 8 month-old-grandson so much. Now I know the meaning of that phrase, 'If I had known grandchildren were so much fun, I would have had them first!'

"I had an enormous amount of support from so many people, including many of my classmates I had not heard from in such a long time. Thank you all so very much! I had an incredible medical team but most importantly, I had a LOT of prayers~~and I know one could not do their job without the other!

"I'm still keeping up my online journal if you'd like to visit it at http://bekay29.livejournal.com/. And feel free to e-mail me at bkc2929@yahoo.com."