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Friday, September 28, 2007

The 2006 Reunion Video is Ready!

That's right: The long-anticipated 2006 Reunion video is ready, and the order deadline is November 1. This 2-DVD set is only $22.50, including 48-state shipping. And a bonus disc with sound footage from the 1974-75 REHS Speech & Drama productions is only $5 more ($27.50).

Make & send checks to: REHS 2006 Reunion Video, P.O. Box 22633, Memphis, TN 38122. Sorry, no credit cards. Order yours now.

Please e-mail questions to Leslie Maddox (75) at REHSvideo@comcast.net.

This information is posted on our website at http://www.rehs73-76.com/ReunionVideo.htm.


REHSvideo said...

The order deadline has been extended. The information about the video did not reach everybody out there so I'll have the video available for quite some time.

Video chapters (2 disk version) are
1. Welcome back to Memphis
2. Friday Night Reception
3. Memphis Blues Queens
4. Lunch at the School
5. REHS Video Tour (footage shot 3/07)
6. Saturday Night Banquet
7. Funniest Moment/Favorite Memory from REHS
8. Saturday Night Program
9. Who was your Favorite 70's Artist/Group?
10. Saturday Night Dinner
11. Which Reunion event was your favorite?
12. So you think you can Dance
13. End Credits
14. REHS Fight Song
15. Video Dedication

About the 3 disk version - unless you were in (or knew people in) Mrs. Winchell's Speech and Drama club during the '74-75 school year, you probably wouldn’t be interested in this version.

Leslie Maddox ‘75

Unknown said...

Leslie did a great job on these videos. He takes you on a tour of Raleigh-Egypt visiting old classrooms and the new cafeteria. It is well worth seeing it all again! The videos include Friday night's function, then Saturday's lunch at the school, and Saturday night at the Holiday Inn. He has interviewed many REHSer's as well as included some still photos. He has had many requests, so get your request in early!! You will enjoy the memories!

Joyce Johnson Carlton
REHS Class of 1973